more skilful

美 [mɔːr ˈskɪlfl]英 [mɔː(r) ˈskɪlfl]
  • adj.熟练的;处理巧妙的;技术好的;功夫深的;制作精良的
  • skilful的比较级
more skilfulmore skilful
  1. The more you practise , the more skilful you 'll become .


  2. You will get more skilful at this job as you go along .


  3. To be fair , the Chinese authorities have often been more skilful than their Western counterparts in balancing growth with price control .


  4. The girl had grown more skilful with the sewing-machine .


  5. The problem is not only Spanish banks , but also German and French ones , which have been more skilful at hiding their losses .


  6. For your million at recent Western , in a more skilful manner , for some of these efforts to get to know dining etiquette , or very worthwhile .
